Price: $1,004.85
Ships directly from the manufacturer.
This item can only be shipped to schools, museums and science centers
Convey complex information and clarify misconceptions using this comprehensive, full-year curriculum. This student-centered course nicely complements the redesigned AP® Biology curriculum. An updated calendar available online lays out the daily lesson or lab from August to the test in May. The lessons were developed to cultivate critical-thinking skills, data manipulation and inquiry using games, puzzles, case studies, demonstrations, manipulatives and peer-teaching. Review of prerequisite material is incorporated as well as assignments that teach students how to effectively use their textbook and take notes during topic discussions and learning activities. Great for both experienced and new teachers!
All curriculum licenses extend to only one teacher. Multiple copies are required for each teacher who will be using the curriculum in a given school or school district.
The AP Biology Daily Lesson Plans curriculum is recommended for:
Click on the link below to try lesson plans from this full year curriculum with your students: