Product Details
From basic structure to fascinating details of natural history and life cycles, this set introduces the world of microbes. Careful examination of these slides will instill an excellent framework for further study and identification.
- Mouth smear, mixed bacteria. Gram stain.
- Coccus, Gram-negative.
- Bacillus, Gram-positive.
- Spirillum, Gram-negative.
- Mold Types, w.m. Rhizopus, Aspergillus and Penicillium.
- Saccharomyces, w.m. Yeast, vegetative and budding.
- Puccinia graminis, sec. Wheat rust on Triticum leaf.
- Coprinus, c.s. Mushroom.
- Slime mold, Physarum or Lycogola, w.m. Sporangia.
- Stemonitis, w.m. Sporangia.