Price: $86.03
In Stock.
Materials Included in Kit:
Binder clips, medium, 4
Caps, molded, 70 mm diameter, with 1/2" hole drilled in center, 10
Cups, polypropylene, 40
Dishes, weighing, 0.5 g, 1-5/8" x 1-5/8" x 5/16", 40
Disposable dishes, aluminum, 20 mL, 40
Hex nuts, zinc-plated steel, 1/4"-20, 20
Masking tape, 1/2" x 60 yd, 3
O-rings, rubber, 1/4" i.d., 3/32" w, 4
Paper clips, jumbo, 2", 2
Plastic tubs, 2
Rubber tubing, black, 1/2" length, 1/4" i.d. x 1/2" o.d., 2
String, thin, ball, 1/6 lb, 331 m
Transfer pipets, narrow stem, 15 mL capacity bulb, 40
Wood dowel rods, 1/4" diameter, 12", 2
MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
HS-PS3-2. Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motion of particles (objects) and energy associated with the relative position of particles (objects).
HS-PS3-3. Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.